
Monday, January 04, 2010


嫲嫲走了... 爺爺也走了...
雖然她已八十多歲, 他也已九十多歲, 算是笑喪; 但我也捨不得他倆.

嫲嫲心臟不好, 近一年常常進出醫院, 不過每次都是住三數天便可回家休息.
最後那一次入院, 心跳竟然是每分鐘一百六十幾次!
有血壓高的爸爸說: "看到那個數字, 我的血壓也跟著升高了!"

嫲嫲從來都是慢條斯理的, 我以為她會活到一百歲......

爺爺身體一向壯健, 很少病痛.
可是數年前跌倒, 身體便開始轉差; 後來行動不便, 於是住進了老人院.
年前曾經有醫生說他患上了老人痴呆症, 認不了人; 可是他時好時壞, 有時會認得我們.
上星期因為肺功能出問題而被送入醫院, 兩日後更需儀器去輔助呼吸.
看見他一起一伏的胸口, 帶點恐懼的眼神, 想說話卻又說不出; 令我感到人真的很脆弱.
嬸嬸說見他好像有心事的, 便問他是不是想見XX, 或是XX... 他都一一寧頭.
嬸嬸告訴他已幫嫲嫲辦好後事, 假如他真的走了, 也會幫他辦後事並和嫲嫲葬在一起... 他聽到後直點頭.
第二朝他便走了, 安祥地.

從來也沒有看過爺爺發脾氣或鬧人, 我以為他會長命百歲......

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Monday, September 14, 2009

今日金句: 唔洗慌! 

6.15pm 橫風橫雨風大雨大 八號風球

A: (剛剛放工歸家途中) 你洗唔洗落去買定d 嘢食呢? 唔係一陣冇得你食喎...
B: (安坐家中) no 啦, d舖 8號風都唔會收架~ 至少麥當當唔會收住!

收線後, B為了防止一陣冇啖好食, 便打去麥當當問一下.
確認之後, 便開心地發出一個短訊:
"唔洗慌! 麥當當收十點半! 附近仲有兩間開 24小時添!"

哈哈~ 住商場樓上真係happy, 打風唔洗驚冇得食又唔洗入貨, 仲可以睇戲添!
實在是 '模範' 夫婦的最佳住所!! ^O^

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Saturday, September 12, 2009


喜歡他那靚仔到暈gel到 '行' 型到爆的髮型...

呵呵~! 終於忍唔住又買了!
Preious Moments - Disney Sleeping Beauty: Believe In The Power Of True Love
welcome to my PM collection!
睡公主和王子個樣真的很可愛啊!! ^_^

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

take it easy 

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if you're rushing for a train but there're lots of people blocking your way;
In fact, you're one of the obstacals to them as well.
You are no difference.
So, take it easy.

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if you're very hungry or in a hurry but it seems that the chef takes ages to cook you a plate of spaghetti;
The fact is, a plate of spaghetti would only takes a quarter to cook and you just have placed you order two minutes ago.
A hasty meal is not good for health.
So, take it easy.

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if the progress is slow and you are occupied by something else but the deadline is near;
Honestly, schedules are always changing and there are lessons to learn in every project.
Work is just part of your life.
So, take it easy.

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if you had weighed every possible options before making a decision but after five days or five years you were still thinking of the ones you had forgone might be better;
The truth is, you'll never know which is the best nor which is the worst.
Life is full of unpredictable and uncontrollable things.
So, take it easy...
even though you know it's not easy.

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Monday, September 07, 2009

happy elements 

- $$
- sleeping
- shopping
- travel
- sports
- leisure time
- chocolate
- ice-cream
- strawberry
- love, care, & hugs from the ones you love
- love, care, & hugs to your beloved ones
- count what you have, but not what you don't have

wish you happiness...

~ from me to you

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