
Monday, September 14, 2009

今日金句: 唔洗慌! 

6.15pm 橫風橫雨風大雨大 八號風球

A: (剛剛放工歸家途中) 你洗唔洗落去買定d 嘢食呢? 唔係一陣冇得你食喎...
B: (安坐家中) no 啦, d舖 8號風都唔會收架~ 至少麥當當唔會收住!

收線後, B為了防止一陣冇啖好食, 便打去麥當當問一下.
確認之後, 便開心地發出一個短訊:
"唔洗慌! 麥當當收十點半! 附近仲有兩間開 24小時添!"

哈哈~ 住商場樓上真係happy, 打風唔洗驚冇得食又唔洗入貨, 仲可以睇戲添!
實在是 '模範' 夫婦的最佳住所!! ^O^

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Saturday, September 12, 2009


喜歡他那靚仔到暈gel到 '行' 型到爆的髮型...

呵呵~! 終於忍唔住又買了!
Preious Moments - Disney Sleeping Beauty: Believe In The Power Of True Love
welcome to my PM collection!
睡公主和王子個樣真的很可愛啊!! ^_^

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

take it easy 

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if you're rushing for a train but there're lots of people blocking your way;
In fact, you're one of the obstacals to them as well.
You are no difference.
So, take it easy.

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if you're very hungry or in a hurry but it seems that the chef takes ages to cook you a plate of spaghetti;
The fact is, a plate of spaghetti would only takes a quarter to cook and you just have placed you order two minutes ago.
A hasty meal is not good for health.
So, take it easy.

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if the progress is slow and you are occupied by something else but the deadline is near;
Honestly, schedules are always changing and there are lessons to learn in every project.
Work is just part of your life.
So, take it easy.

Take it easy, even though you know it's not easy.
Even if you had weighed every possible options before making a decision but after five days or five years you were still thinking of the ones you had forgone might be better;
The truth is, you'll never know which is the best nor which is the worst.
Life is full of unpredictable and uncontrollable things.
So, take it easy...
even though you know it's not easy.

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Monday, September 07, 2009

happy elements 

- $$
- sleeping
- shopping
- travel
- sports
- leisure time
- chocolate
- ice-cream
- strawberry
- love, care, & hugs from the ones you love
- love, care, & hugs to your beloved ones
- count what you have, but not what you don't have

wish you happiness...

~ from me to you

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today's a to z 

a - angry
b - busy
c - can't/ concentrate/ control
d - death
e - ease
f - frustrate/ family
g - god/ good
h - health
i - ideal
j - jam
k - kill
l - loop
m - mother/ mad
n - noisy
o - opportunity
p - please
q - quit
r - rather
s - solution
t - time
u - unbelievable/ unexpected
v - vanish
w - why
x - x
y - you
z - ZZzzz...

umm... many negative words... need to find some happy elements...

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

高達 ~ REAL G~ 朝聖之旅 

看到朋友在facebook 話原來的旅行計劃要改地點改日子, 因為台場有1:1 的高達...
(係呀, 係你呀, 咪就係你個status 話我知囉...)
問問家中的高達粉絲, 得到的回覆是: "係呀, 知道呀, 高達30歲吖嘛... 冇諗住去睇喎~"
什麼?!? 冇諗住去?? 30歲慶典喎! 1:1高達喎!! 咁難得既大件事竟然唔去??
計一計, 去個慳慳地既short trip 都ok 吖!

坐言起行係我既座右銘 (只限喜歡做的事情! ^o^)... 機票話咁快到手.
四日三夜, 凌晨機去, 清晨五點半到東京羽田機場.
未試過, 唔知會唔會好辛苦呢?

工作繁重, 冇時間研究行程.
不過以我地對東京既熟悉, 短短三數天, 去邊? 心裡有數. ^_^

呵呵呵... 高達, 我今晚就坐飛機尼搵你喇~ 聽日台場見!
十二點半機, 坐正機翼隔離, 好嘈, 只係瞌到一個鐘...

yeahyeahyeah~~! 話咁快就到!
東京, 你好嘛~? long time no see... 我好掛住你呀~!
天朗氣清, happy!
搭無人驚駛火車再轉JR 去酒店, ok喎, 拎住4轆直身喼, 好輕鬆呀~

寄存行李之後, 便到我們必去的麥當當食早餐.
第一站, 國際展示場睇 GUNDAM BIG EXPO!
由排隊等買飛到真正入到會場, 用了一個鐘... 很多人. >~<
第二站, 逛街食lunch.
很熱... 真的熱死了... >~<
第三站, 潮風公園睇1:1高達 REAL G~!
很多人, 很熱...
REAL G 高 18尺, 可能我期望太大, 我以為會更巨更震撼的.
但諗一諗, 卡通裡的高達跟主角的比例... 真的是我 '諗大咗'! ^_^
第四站, 逛街食dinner 逛街.
由於買咗飛睇高達激光show, 930, 所以 '滯留' 响台場.
排咗大半個鐘等入場, 企到腳跛, 坐地下等算了.
九時半進場, 企位! 呵呵!!
開show! DJ 打碟播出新舊的高達歌, 好聽.
七彩繽紛激光勁閃, 正!
十點半, 個show still go on... 唔知幾時完, 但我地放咗响locker 既嘢要十一點前去拎返, 點算?!
十點九, 個show still go on... 冇計, 唯有離場去拎返d 嘢.
嗚嗚... 睇唔到完場... >_<
總括尼講, 凌晨機令到第一日超多時間, 好似過咗兩日咁! good!

由於昨天實在太攰了, 結果瞓到十一點半先起身! 仲要係room service 阿姐想執房拍門! 哈哈~ 爽!
去橫濱outlet, shopping shopping... happy! ^o^

三鷹宮崎駿美術館睇波兒, cute!
吉祥寺遊公園逛街, 之後應高達粉絲要求到中野搜購高達碟, gogogo~

咁啱有個 TOMICA車仔 EXPO, 去睇下都好吖!
睇完d 小朋友圍住車仔既傻樣, 食餐舒舒服服既lunch, 跟住作最後衝刺shop 下...
話咁快就黃昏夠鐘起程到機場... 四日三夜朝聖trip 咁就玩完!!

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